my signature online-based, self-paced, 30-day thyroid healing program
How I developed this Program:
- As a licensed registered dietitian, I spent five years in school learning the complexity of the human body.
- Since my graduation, I have spent years studying complex immunology labs and learning how to interpret them to understand the immune system thoroughly.
- I studied how Hashimoto’s affects our gut, liver, skin, adrenals, and hormones.
- I have studied research design, statistics, and data analysis. I know how to discern good studies from bad and interpret that information into an easy-to-understand guide and conduct good research myself.
- I brought my extensive education and research into my clinical practice to work with extremely complex patient cases, including myself.
Get Rid of Endless
Exhaustion for GOOD!
Have you been feeling “off” - like you’re just not yourself - for a long time??
Do you wake up feeling tired and struggle with fatigue all day long?
Do you find yourself “zoning out” a lot, forgetting important information and events, and always feel distracted?
Are you battling weight gain no matter how much you try to diet and exercise?
It’s Time to Focus on Hashimoto's with
Your Journey to Thrive: a 30-day program for reversing thyroid symptoms
Even though I created this healing program to get my Hashimoto’s thyroiditis into remission, the protocols that I introduce in my signature program are scientifically proven, tested by my clients and me to help get autoimmune disorders in remission, address adrenal issues, gut health, blood sugar dysregulation, hormonal imbalances, and liver health.
You will benefit from this course if you suffer from: food allergies or food sensitivities, autoimmune disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, bloating, gas, constipation, loose stools, heartburn, and nutrient malabsorption. Adrenal fatigue, candida, slow metabolism, anxiety, depression, joint and muscle pain, and skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, and acne …. Just to name a few.
Because of the wide array of symptoms accompanying Hashimoto's, it can often be hard to pinpoint what is causing your symptoms. Hashimnto's affects you as a whole - mental, emotional, and physical well-being. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed below, Hashimoto's is the one to blame:
● You wake up feeling tired and never feel refreshed, no matter how much sleep you get
● You struggle with fatigue and listlessness all day long
● You lose track of conversations and often forget what you are saying or doing
● You feel lightheaded and dizzy when you stand up
● Your immune system is weak, and you get sick easily
● You feel stressed out and overwhelmed by things that you used to have no trouble shrugging off or working through
● You gain weight easily and struggle to lose weight even when you are on a strict diet
Are you wondering how you can heal your thyroid in just 30 days? I know it may sound too good to be true, or maybe you’re worried that there are a lot of pills and powders involved. Here’s the thing, this program is all about rebuilding your health through nutrition and knowing the best foods to eat to support all aspects of thyroid health.
The Thrive Program comes with everything you need to successfully reclaim your health. When you sign up for the program, you get 👇🏼
(A $ 1,023 VALUE! )
Two thyroid healing guides
($599 VALUE)
- This 30-day program has a guide for weeks one and two, and a guide for weeks three and four. Both guides are professionally designed with the information you need to understand the root of your illness and to recover from thyroid and Hashimoto’s disorders. You will get the first guide at the start of the program, then the second guide at the start of week three to keep you on track. You will learn why I recommend a grain-free and Paleo diet, how hormones play a role in thyroid health, the dangers of phytic acid, and how to effectively detox the liver for optimal thyroid health.
- The Hormone Reset: during weeks one and two, I will guide you through the process of hitting the reset button to achieve hormonal balance.
- Hormone Mindset: mindset plays a crucial role in balancing hormones, do you ring weeks three and four we will dive into the steps you need to take to renew your mindset and achieve hormonal balance.
Two recipe guides
($297 VALUE)
- One for vegetarians and one for omnivores. Both guides are packed with 40+ delicious recipes that follow the autoimmune protocol recommended by registered dietitians and endocrinologists. Everything is completely grain-free and they are 100% Paleo as many endocrinologists agree that the Paleo diet is optimal for thyroid recovery.
- The omnivore recipe guide is fully packed, 37-page guide with 40+ delicious recipes
- The vegetarian recipe guide is a fully packed 33-page guide with 40+ delicious recipes
- Two sets of 4 weeks of suggested meals and a shopping list. I made it easy for you to follow a grain-free detox plan that is a part of the autoimmune protocol. These suggested meals are low in phytic acid, rich in vitamins and minerals, and they are also filled with the best foods to ensure Thyroid Healing
- Gorgeous food diary, to keep you on track. You can record what you’re eating and how that food makes you feel physically and emotionally as you go through the 30-day program.
($127 VALUE)
Bonus: 4 more E-Books absolutely free when you sign up for the program
I’d been to so many doctors, and they kept saying I was fine, but I KNEW there was something wrong. Nataliia told me about Your Journey to Thrive program, and ALL the symptoms of thyroid disease lined up with mine, so I gave it a try. Within a week, I was feeling better, and by the end of the program, I felt GREAT for the first time in years! -Melissa Brown
I was exhausted, I felt like crap, and I kept gaining weight even though I lived on some diet or another. I followed Nataliia’s recommendations that are now conveniently packaged in Your Journey to Thrive program because nothing else had worked. I lost 8 pounds with no problem, and I look and feel 10 years younger! -Anna Johnson
I knew I had problems with my thyroid, but I resisted treatment because I didn’t want to live on medication and pills. Nataliia offered to “test” Your Journey to Thrive program on me because it was all-natural and nutrition-based, and it worked! I am so glad I agreed to be a guinea pig hahah. I look and feel so much more energized and healthy, it’s amazing! -Ashley Miller
It’s Time to Thrive
Here's the reality about Hashimoto's thyroiditis: It's more than just a thyroid issue. Even though it is an autoimmune illness, it is much more than a problem with the immune system. It develops into a systemic illness over time. The usual hypothyroid symptoms of weariness, sensitivity to cold, brain fog, weight gain, hair loss, and constipation are well-known to most people.
Many people don't realize, however, that many Hashimoto patients also suffer from anxiety and depression, acid reflux, blood sugar abnormalities such as insulin resistance, food intolerances, intestinal permeability, anemia, and other issues. This isn't an accident. It's all due to recurring patterns of one body system failing and causing other systems to fail as well. This sets in motion vicious loops that cause the intestines, brain, adrenals, stomach, gall bladder, liver, and every other major organ in the body to fail.
The strategy outlined in this course gives an easy-to-follow method for determining the root cause and then devising a plan to remedy it. This course provides a step-by-step guide to healing Hashimoto's disease utilizing nutrition, lifestyle changes, and other alternative interventions to shift negative healing momentum into positive healing momentum, allowing the body to rebalance.
Preview Your Curriculum
- Mission: rescue the liver
- Thyroid and Liver Connection
- Why Detoxing the Liver is Important for Thyroid Function
- The Connection Between Liver Disease, Mental Health, Depression, and Anxiety
- Introduction to a Gentle Liver Detox
- Liver Detox STEP I: remove toxic burden
- Liver Detox STEP II: eliminate triggering foods
- Liver Detox STEP III: liver support foods and lifestyle
- Liver Detox STEP IV: powerful foods and supplements
Q: How do I know if this journey is for me?
A: if you are experiencing the following symptoms: food allergies or food sensitivities, autoimmune disorders, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome or lupus, bloating, gas, constipation, loose stools, heartburn, and nutrient malabsorption. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), including IBS, Crohn’s or colitis, thyroid issues such as hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis or Graves disease; Adrenal fatigue, candida, and slow metabolism, anxiety, depression, joint and muscle pain; skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, acne and age spots…. Just to name a few. Then you in the right place.
This program addresses genetic predisposition, food sensitivities, nutrient deficiencies, liver detox processes, adrenal issues, gut imbalances, as well as toxins and infections (both bacterial and viral). Each of these do not stand alone, but in fact, have a direct or indirect impact on each other. In four weeks, we will work through each layer to discover the root cause of your hormonal imbalance and learn how to heal our body with is functional nutrition.
Q: Why is this journey 4 weeks long?
A: This 30-day program has a guide for weeks one and two, and a guide for weeks three and four. Week 1-2 we will focus on the Hormone Reset. I will guide you through the process of hitting the reset button to achieve hormonal balance. During weeks 3-4, we will focus on Hormone Mindset: we will dive into the steps you need to take to renew your mindset and achieve hormonal balance.
Note: Of course 30 days may seem like a short time, but I promise you that in such a short time you will experience a dramatic difference if you follow my program exactly. It’s important to note that you should not stop after 30 days. My program will set up a bridge for you between feeling lost and unsure of what to do and the functional nutrition approach to reversing thyroid symptoms.
Q: I don’t have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, will this course help me with other hormonal imbalances?
Answer: regardless of where you are in your journey and what condition you have, these course addresses endocrine disruptor‘s such as diet, stress, environmental factors, and much more they all are can benefit a person who is struggling with food allergies or food sensitivities, autoimmune disorders, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome or lupus, bloating, gas, constipation, loose stools, heartburn, and nutrient malabsorption. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), including IBS, Crohn’s or colitis, thyroid issues such as hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis or Graves disease; Adrenal fatigue, candida, and slow metabolism, anxiety, depression, joint and muscle pain; skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, acne and age spots.
Q: how long do I have access to this program?
A: your access never expires!